09.04.2024 | news
Vukašin Radulović, partner in the company “Heliant”, participated in the Healthpharm 2024 SEE Forum & Fair conference today. This three-day event gathered stakeholders in the field of medicine and pharmacy in the Western Balkans, with a focus on business and legal issues.
The organizer of the event, HARMONIUS, is an independent organization, an association of scholars and researchers in the field of legal studies. They are the founders of the Belgrade Centre for Medical and Pharmaceutical Law, whose goal is the promotion and improvement of this branch of law in Southeast Europe.
Today and tomorrow, the gathering is being held at the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, while on the third day it will move to the premises of the Faculty of Law.
The opening speeches were delivered by Slavica Milutinović, director of the Pharmaceutical Chamber of Serbia, Nenad Vujić, director of the Judicial Academy, Smilja Obradović, director of the Directorate for Legal Affairs of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, MD Bojan Trkulja, director of the Association of Manufacturers of Innovative Medicines “Inovia” and MD/PhD Nenad Tešić, chairman of the association HARMONIUS.
Today’s panel entitled “E-health and e-pharmacy in the Western Balkans: How to use artificial intelligence for the common good?” was opened by Jelena Bojović, director of the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Serbia. The moderator of the panel was Srđan Jovanović, vice chairman for human resources at HTEC Group and technical director of Humeds. The panellists included Vukašin Radulović, chairman of Healthcare Alliance – NALED and cofounder of the companies “Infolab” and “Heliant”, Jelena Đerisilo, regional sales manager for Cloud & Cognitive software “IBM” in Serbia, Milan Gospić, general manager of “Microsoft” in Serbia , Bojan Kisić, advisor to the board of directors at “Nites Group”, and Bogdan Gecić, founder and partner in the law office “Gecić Law”.
Radulović has pointed out that gatherings like this one, in the organization of which the Faculty of Law participated, are very important, because the harmonization of regulations in accordance with the technology potential is extremely important for society.
According to Radulović, artificial intelligence will be a game-changer in many areas, including medicine. As a big challenge for software companies like “Heliant”, which cooperate with the medical and pharmaceutical industry, Radulović has tackled the issue of how to recognize data in artificial intelligence decision-making schemes. It is important that artificial intelligence is adapted to our needs, so that large amounts of structured data from our areas are stored in global databases, on the basis of which further decisions will be made.
In response to the question of whether AI will replace humans, Vukašin Radulović states that doctors who use AI will replace those who do not. Statistics show that medical knowledge doubles every 72 days, which represents a huge amount of data that cannot be practically processed by humans without the use of AI.
Many examples of the application of artificial intelligence that we see in the world, we can also apply in our country, Radulović believes. He has pointed out that the maternity wards in hospitals in Belgrade are fully computerized, as well as the Institute of Neonatology, which exchanges data as it is done in the world, fully in accordance with legal regulations. This example shows that we have a suitable basis for the implementation of global projects in our country, where large companies play a significant role, says the representative of the company “Heliant”.
One of the examples of the use of AI in our country is the project that the company “Heliant” implemented in cooperation with C4IR and the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Serbia. We have created models for the detection of rare diseases, which have the potential for further development. At the centre of this project is the Clinical Centre of Serbia, and it was developed specifically based on the example of Fabry’s disease. The idea is to use AI to identify patients who are more likely to be diagnosed with this disease.
There are also certain limitations regarding the application of AI, Radulović points out. To begin with, the mentality of society should be changed, and countries that are leading in this field, such as the USA, should be looked up. Another problem is the lack of capacity to store data that takes up a huge amount of space, as is the case with human genomes. Also, there are challenges in the legal domain, which will be easier to overcome if we follow the example of developed countries.
Copying the world’s AI application practices is certainly of great benefit, but we should not neglect domestic development either, concludes Vukašin Radulović, chairan of the Healthcare Alliance – NALED and cofounder of the companies “Infolab” and “Heliant”.
Source: Heliant
From April 9 to 10, the HealthPharm 2024 SEE Forum & Fair was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, while the third day of the Forum was at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade. On the first day, the director of the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Serbia, Jelena Bojović, took part as an opening speaker and also participated as a panelist.
In her introductory speech, Bojović highlighted the potential that artificial intelligence has in the health and pharmaceutical sectors in the region, as well as how the Centre in Serbia can use such potential. After that, Bojović participated in a panel entitled, ” Western Balkans E-Health and E-Pharma: How to use an AI For social good?”In her introductory speech, Bojović highlighted the potential that artificial intelligence has in the health and pharmaceutical sectors in the region, as well as how the Centre in Serbia can use such potential. After that, Bojović participated in a panel entitled, ” Western Balkans E-Health and E-Pharma: How to use an AI For social good?”
The panel was moderated by Srđan Jovanović on behalf of HTEC Group and HUMEDS, and the discussion provided a dynamic platform for the exchange of ideas on the use of technology for the benefit of society, paving the way for a more efficient, accessible, and sustainable health ecosystem in the region. The panel also included Jelena Đerišilo from IBM, Milan Gospić from Microsoft Serbia, Bojan Kisić from NITES Group, Vukašin Radulović, in front of NALED, and Bogdan Gecić, founder and partner of Gecić Law.
This three-day event brought together interested parties in the field of medicine and pharmacy in the Western Balkans, with a focus on business and legal issues. The organizer of the event is Harmonius, an independent organization, an association of scientists and researchers in the field of legal studies.
One of the examples of the use of artificial intelligence is a project that was implemented in cooperation between C4IR Serbia, Heliant, and the Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Serbia. Models were created for the detection of rare diseases, with the potential for further development. At the center of this project is the Clinical Center of Serbia, and the development was based on the example of Fabry’s disease. The idea is to use artificial intelligence to identify patients who are more likely to get this disease.
Source: C4IR
Bogdan Gecić, the founding partner of Gecić|Law, took part today in the opening panel of the Healthpharm 2024 SEE Forum & Fair, to be held in Belgrade at the Chamber of Commerce from April 9-10, 2024, and at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Law on April 11, 2024. The session titled “Western Balkans E-health and E-pharma: How to Use AI for Social Good?” delved into the power of artificial intelligence in healthcare and pharma, aiming to harness technology for the benefit of society.
How to Use AI for Social Good?
Bogdan made a significant contribution to the discourse. He offered a captivating overview of the opportunities and challenges posed by artificial intelligence in life sciences applications. He honed in on the legal dimensions of the field. Moreover, he delivered an impassioned summary of the principles of responsible and trustworthy #AI for the betterment of humanity. Through examples, he illustrated the best practices in this area, showcasing the potential of these new technologies.
Alongside Bogdan, other esteemed participants were also in the panel discussion. Srđan Jovanović, VP of People at HTEC Group and CTO of HUMEDS, moderated the panel. The introductory remarks were provided by Jelena Bojović, the Director of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Serbia, setting the stage for a deep dive into the potential of AI for social good. The panelists also included Jelena Đerisilo from IBM, and Milan Gospić, the Country Manager of Microsoft Serbia, offering a perspective from some of the world’s leading technology companies. Bojan Kisić represented the Nites Group, bringing insights from the tech solution provider’s viewpoint. Finally, Vukašin Radulović, the Director of the Health Alliance – NALED and Founder of companies Infolab and Heliant, shared his experiences in health policy, technology, and entrepreneurship. The panel discussion also demonstrated the multidisciplinary effort required to advance healthcare through innovation.
About Healthpharm 2024
Healthpharm 2024 SEE Forum & Fair is a groundbreaking event that aims to fuse business, legal, tech, and life sciences, significantly impacting the Western Balkans’ healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors. The forum provides a vibrant arena for stakeholders to exchange ideas, discuss emerging trends, and forge partnerships.
The conference attracted a diverse group of attendees and participants. These include executives from medical facilities, heads of legal and compliance, public procurement officers, medical doctors, and pharmacists. Additionally, the event features insightful talks from top-tier legal professionals, offering attendees invaluable insights into the most pressing issues.
The Healthpharm 2024 also spotlights the Western Balkans Common Market. The initiative aims to stimulate economic growth within the region’s healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors. Moreover, addressing the issue of fake medicine distribution is an additional focal point of the event. The conference aims to emphasize the importance of preserving product integrity and consumer safety through strict regulatory measures and cooperation with law enforcement agencies.
Source: GECIĆ / LAW
From 9 to 11 April, the HealthPharm 2024 SEE Forum & Fair was held in Belgrade, marking a gathering for the intersection of healthcare, pharmaceuticals, legal, and technological sectors. The first two days unfolded within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. On the third day, the Forum transitioned to the Faculty of Law at the University of Belgrade.
Our Partner, Bojan Vučković, was among the speakers on the opening panel of the second day, which centered on the theme “The Continuous Improvement of the Public Procurement Procedure in Healthcare & Pharma”. Sharing insights alongside him were Prof. dr Marko Špiler, the founder and director of the Center for Management, and President of the Chamber of Public Procurement of Serbia. Joining them were Jovan Bogataj, Associate Director of Legal & Compliance DACH & EESC at Organon, and Raško Radovanović, Partner at Radovanović Stojanović & Partners AOD. Moderating the discussion was Prof. dr Dobroslav Milovanović from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.
The panel delved into topics surrounding the Law on Protection of Competition and its implications for public procurement. Participants scrutinized common instances of law infringements within the realm of public procurement, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities in upholding competition integrity. A particular focus was placed on aligning Serbian practices with the standards and practices set forth by the European Union, emphasizing regional cooperation in combatting competition violations within public procurement processes.
To promote transparency in legal frameworks, the speakers articulated strategies to manage the complexities of public procurement while ensuring compliance with competition regulations. Their insights guided the fostering of a fair, competitive environment conducive to innovation and progress within the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors.
Source: Karanovic/Partners
Our senior partner Vladimir Dašić and partner Bisera Andrijasevic participated in the panel discussion on “How to buy and sell health & pharma business?” at the HealthPharm / SEE Forum and Fair / Business, Legal, Tech and Life Science
Vladimir commented after the conference: “We are all facing similar challenges in making deals happen i.e. inability of the sellers to understand valuations of their businesses, long and difficult negotiations, hesitation to enter into transactions when momentum is right, etc. One of the key conclusions is that Serbian market is developing, the revenues and EBITDA in pharma, pharma retail and private healthcare sectors have dramatically increased after Covid, which has triggered significant activity on the market, especially in relation to the acquisitions of laboratories and OTC manufacturers. The process of market consolidation is still underway. The regulatory framework is often not at the level of neighbouring EU members and sometimes slow reaction of the Government in addressing some regulatory flaws is a significant obstacle for further development of the market.”
Bisera also shared her insights after the panel: “Compliance is becoming a major topic for Serbian healthcare and pharma companies, not only regulatory compliance, but also competition and ESG compliance”. I think that the companies are becoming aware of its importance, not only because they want to avoid fines, but because compliance affects profitability of the company and its attractiveness for foreign investors. We also discussed how merger control can affect transactions, and not only their timeline, but also because the failure to predict possible competition concerns and to plan how to address them early in the transaction can lead to a loss of value and even abandonment of valuable transactions.”
Source: BDK advokati
Naša managing partnerka, dr Ana Lazarević, učestvovala je na prvoj HEALTHPHARM 2024, SEE FORUM & FAIR / BUSINESS, LEGAL, TECH & LIFE SCIENCE konferenciji,
Dr Ana Lazarević je govorila na panelu VI-2 „Kako kupiti i prodati kompaniju u oblasti zdravstva i farmacije?“, koji je moderirao prof. dr Vuk Radović. Ostali učesnici panela bili su ugledni advokati Branko Janković, Saša Stojanović i Jovana Veličković. Diskusija je obuhvatila ključne aspekte i izazove transakcija u zdravstvu i farmaceutskoj industriji, pružajući dragocene uvide i perspektive za sve prisutne.
Konferencija je okupila vodeće stručnjake iz oblasti prava, zdravstva, farmacije i tehnologije, omogućivši razmenu znanja i iskustava na najvišem nivou. Učešće dr Ane Lazarević na ovom značajnom događaju ističe našu predanost aktivnom učešću u relevantnim pravnim i poslovnim diskusijama.
Izuzetna nam je čast što smo imali priliku da učestvujemo na ovom značajnom događaju i doprinesemo diskusiji o ključnim temama u oblasti zdravstva i farmacije.
JOVANA VELIČKOVIĆ PHD Founding parner Velickovic
Law Izuzetno mi je drago što sam imala priliku da učestvujem na prvoj #HEALTHPHARM 2024, SEE FORUM & FAIR / BUSINESS, LEGAL, TECH & LIFE SCIENCE konferenciji, u organizaciji udruženja #HARMONIUS – WESTERN BALKANS LEGAL HUB, BELGRADE CENTER FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMA LAW i poslovnih klubova #LEGALMIND i #HEALTHPHARM i govorim u okviru Panela VI-2 „KAKO KUPITI I PRODATI KOMPANIJU U OBLASTI ZDRAVSTVA I FARMACIJE?“, na temu praktičnih iskustava u domenu radno-pravnih pitanja.
Moderator panela je bio prof. dr Vuk Radović, a ostali učesnici sjajne kolege advokati Branko Janković (NKO Law Office) , dr Saša Stojanović (Radovanović, Stojanović & Partners AOD) i dr Ana Lazarević (AOD Lazarević/Pršić).
Zahvaljujem se organizatorima na pozivu i želim uspešan rad konferencije u narednim godinama.
Source: Velickovic/Law